Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Peace, Love & Something else (Week 02)

Signs are plastered all of the USF area, from Fulton street all the way down to Stanyan. There are signs tell you where to (or not to) park, others showing you the way and some with no informative purpose at all. without fail the people of San Francisco have managed to cover every sidewalk, wall, or building with a sign. Of all the signage I came across, this one was my favorite.

As I walked through the spacious and open park, with bikers and joggers zooming past me I stumbled on this sign. The symbols peace, love and something else were subtly dotted on the sidewalk in a now dirty shade of pastel blue. The uneven circles painted on the ground were faded, which makes it clear this has been sitting here for a few years. 

The question of for whom this may have been painted was simply for everyone. This sign is meant for the person walking or cycling by it. It expresses something that I find to be very san franciscan, which is the spreading of peace and love. This sign is so simple yet its message is carried a long way.

This sign creates a sense of place, by the message it sends. whether you're a San Francisco native or far away from home, this reminder of love makes you feel comfortable and safe. The calm shade of blue used to illustrate this kind message helps portray this area as somewhere peaceful. If instead there was negative symbols drawn in a loud color, it changes how you feel about where you are. In a sense signs are also away of reading the landscape and the type of neighborhood that you are in.  

It is very unlikely that this sign was there 100 years ago. But I think this message of peace, love and positivity was developed around the 1960's and has created a culture within San Francisco.

All over the streets of the city are all forms of signage, some open for different interoperation and some share a straightforward message. These signs send messages and communicate to the people around it, making a walk around the USF area a little more exciting!

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